Today I want to write to you as a Christian because I feel like an explanation is in order. Someone needs to tell you that God never intended for people to act in this way, this is not what Christianity is about.
For a really long time I tried to figure out what I thought about homosexuality, whether it was right or wrong. Though one thing I never questioned was God's love for people in the LGBT community. God created each one of us and loves us all so much; this I never doubted. So, recently, I've come to the conclusion that, quite frankly, it doesn't really matter whether being gay is right or wrong. That isn't what God wants us to be worrying about.
There's a problem with the establishment that we call the Church, you see. Not the Body of Christ, but the Church. That building we go to every Sunday morning. The Church spends so much time debating and worrying and stressing out that it forgets to tell us to love. It forgets to tell us to forgive and have faith, because all it wants to do is figure out whether it's okay to allow a gay priest to preach in its buildings. This has become so important to those of us in the Church (myself included) that we get so bogged down in debating issues rather than simply loving people. When God became Jesus He didn't spend all His time arguing with people, He spent it healing the sick, feeding the hungry, raising the dead, giving water to the thirsty... I just don't think He's very happy with what we've turned Him into.
So if Tennessee pass this bill they're allowing their people to believe that God doesn't really love us, that forgiveness isn't available to everyone, and they're being allowed to completely disregard Jesus. If these people knew their Bibles they wouldn't even consider this bill because in 1 John 4:16 it clearly states:
"God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in Him."
Please sign the petition linked below to stop this bill being passed.